Saturday, September 1, 2007


Hey! Well, I see we have a few people up and running. I re-sent invitations to y'all if you weren't listed as an "author". Belle--I'm not sure what happened, but you're not listed as a contributor. You'll need to accept the invitation and sign up to be an author in order to create posts for the page. (maybe it'll take the next time)

So, after reading Ariel's post about needing to put funny stories about Lightning on here, I started thinking about if he had done anything lately. Of course, Prilla & Beck tend to provide their own brand of entertainment, and they surely will do something worthy of writing about soon. Nothing new has happened with us that was of particular interest. Since the pressure is "on" to put something funny out there for Mater to read, I thought about what we could do today to make something interesting happen.

Trust me, it doesn't take much to "make something interesting happen" in my family. Usually it only takes going out in public. What better idea could I have than to take them out to eat at a nice (-er than McDonald's) restaurant? Surely that would provide a week's worth of posts. Sadly, they weren't in the silly mood that I had hoped. They actually sat in their seats, kept their food on their plates, didn't make a ruckus and waited until all food was served and blessing said before they dug in. I don't think that has EVER happened before.

So, there you have it. My kids that usually provide tons of entertainment decided to be well behaved. Oh, we went to Walmart after eating at Colton's. I did see a tshirt and would have gotten it for our Eyeore had it not been pink. It had a picture of Eyeore on it and said "How Should I Know?" I thought that sounded JUST like him.

Well.... This is fun! I like communicating through this blog, and can't wait to see if it develops into anything.

Love, Hugs, etc.,
Sleeping Beauty

1 comment:

belle said...

help:) i thought i had accepted the invite???? how do i do this??? i noticed that this blog isn't linked to my account yet???? i'm so confused! can't we go back to chiseling in stone ? technology is scary-hehehe i'm going to see if i can call in the reinforcements this week and figure it out (aka erin! she can figure ANYTHING out!)

keep the lightening stories coming- they are a good reminder that i'm not alone ..... hugs and kisses to all- belle